

312 follower

Theatre events: auditions, ticket sales, program ads, etc.

Eventi in questa raccolta

Nessun evento in programma

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Ecco cosa potresti esserti perso

  • Immagine principale di Grease School Edition Performances

    Grease School Edition Performances

    Da $0.00

  • Immagine principale di UPS for DownS GREASE  Auditions

    UPS for DownS GREASE Auditions

    Da $0.00

  • Immagine principale di Beauty and the Beast Performances

    Beauty and the Beast Performances

    Da $0.00


Organizzatore di Theatre
UPSforDownSUnited Parent Support for Down Syndrome is a parent-directed, nonprofit organization offering support, education and encouragement for parents, families and others who love and care about persons with Down syndrome.We inspire community acceptance by sharing with others the presence, potential and abilities of people with Down syndrome.info@upsfordowns.org