
The Backend

The Backend is a group exhibition featuring 13 contemporary artists probing the nature of protocols and agreements to prompt questions about ownership, production, notions of truth, and agency

Eventi in questa raccolta

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Segui Montclair State University Galleries per non perdere mai un momento

Ecco cosa potresti esserti perso

  • Immagine principale di Art Forum with Maia Chao

    Art Forum with Maia Chao

    Thu, Nov 16, 6:00 PM EST


  • Immagine principale di The Business of Art with William Powhida

    The Business of Art with William Powhida

    Thu, Nov 9, 6:00 PM


  • Immagine principale di Film Screening with Q&A: Julia Weist's Governing Body

    Film Screening with Q&A: Julia Weist's Governing Body

    Tue, Oct 24, 6:00 PM



Organizzatore di The Backend
The Montclair State University Galleries brings together ideas, perspectives, and dialogues to foster curiosity and shared understandings through art. The University Galleries presents diverse and inclusive exhibitions and programs creating connections that unite the campus experience with the local and global community.montclair.edu/galleries