
Research Software Camp: FAIR Software

Access all of the SSI Research Software Camp (RSC): FAIR Software free events in this collection. The RSC takes place from 19 to 30 June 2023.

Eventi in questa raccolta

Nessun evento in programma

Segui The Software Sustainability Institute per non perdere mai un momento

Ecco cosa potresti esserti perso

  • Immagine principale di Análisis y visualización de datos usando Python

    Análisis y visualización de datos usando Python

    Thu, Jun 29, 1:00 PM GMT+1


  • Immagine principale di FAIR Data Principles workshop

    FAIR Data Principles workshop

    Thu, Jun 29, 1:00 PM GMT+1


  • Immagine principale di Desde las hojas de cálculo a R

    Desde las hojas de cálculo a R

    Wed, Jun 28, 2:00 PM GMT+1



Organizzatore di Research Software Camp: FAIR Software
The Software Sustainability Institute (www.software.ac.uk) is an EPSRC, AHRC, BBSRC, ESRC, NERC, MRC and STFC funded national facility that cultivates world-class research with software.We help people build better software, and we work with researchers, developers, funders and infrastructure providers to identify key issues and best practice in research software.