
Masterclass Sessions

Free Masterclasses for Social Enterprises!

Eventi in questa raccolta

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Segui Sheffield Social Enterprise Network per non perdere mai un momento

Ecco cosa potresti esserti perso

  • Immagine principale di Masterclass: Sustainability and Social Enterprises

    Masterclass: Sustainability and Social Enterprises

    Mon, May 20, 12:30 PM GMT+1


  • Immagine principale di Masterclass: Balancing Social Impact with the Entrepreneurial Mindset

    Masterclass: Balancing Social Impact with the Entrepreneurial Mindset

    Thu, Apr 25, 10:30 AM



Organizzatore di Masterclass Sessions
Sheffield Social Enterprise Network's (SSEN) mission is to enable social enterprises to “Achieve Greater Social Impact through Making Connections, Becoming Better Informed, Sharing Experiences, and Leveraging a Stronger Collective Voice”. SSEN is the member-led community for Sheffield-based social enterprises, social entrepreneurs or those involved in supporting them.