Join us for a powerful session of self-love and breath work just for women - because you deserve to prioritize your well-being

Von Enrica Scarpa

Datum und Uhrzeit

So. 16. Juni 2024 09:30 - 11:00 CEST


Panda Atelier - Your Cozy Space to balance Mind, Body and Soul

11 Lindengasse 1070 Wien Austria


Rückerstattungen bis zu 7 Tage vor dem Event


Welcome and Setting Intentions

We will set our intention for the session after the introduction

Icebreaker: Listen to Myself Moment

We will kick off the session with a question that will boost introspection and self love. This will be followed by Gentle Stretch and Movement to open up the respiratory muscles and connect with our ...

Breathwork Session

You will learn three breath work techniques to calm your mind, detoxify the body and rejuvenate skin cells and improve metabolism, and find mental clarity. One of the most powerful one I will share w...

Mental Group Training: Cultivating Self-Love

Discussion on the importance of self-love and acceptance, particularly in times of career challenges and life transitions. Worksheet with prompts that encourages introspection and self reflection. Be...

Self Awareness Practice - Gratitude and Farewell

Mindfulness exercise that will emphasize the importance of living consciously and not in autopilot mode. We will then practice Gratitude and connect with each other while having a tea in the terrace ...

Zu diesem Event

  • 1 Stunde 30 Minuten

How much you love yourself directly affects your professional satisfaction.

Empowerment Workshop for Professional Women: Finding Your Path to Self-Love 🌺

On a scale from 1 to 10, how good do you feel in your mind and body? Is it 8, or you are feeling disconnected?

In today's busy world, many professional women struggle with something we all face: self-doubt and feeling unsure about our path. It's something that affects a lot of us – more than 75% of women, in fact.

Feeling unsure about ourselves isn't just in our heads – it affects everything we do. It can make us stressed, anxious, and even sick. It's like having a cloud over us, making it hard to see clearly.

But guess what? You have the power to change that! By loving yourself and learning how to control your thoughts, you can break free from self-doubt and find your confidence again. It's about believing in yourself and knowing you're worth it.

I will guide you in a session that will give you the tools to change the relationship you have with yourself and what you face in your everyday life.

Workshop Overview 🌸:

It combines the power of breath work with the transformative practice of mental training. Through a blend of breathwork techniques and mental exercises, you'll learn practical tools to quiet your inner critic, cultivate self-love, and build resilience in the face of adversity. By the end of our session, you'll walk away with renewed energy, clarity, and a sense of purpose to thrive in all areas of your life, professionally and personally.

Meet your guide 👩:

''Hi, I am Enrica, and I will be your guide through this journey! After being lost for 7 years in the middle of a corporate world, I finally found a way to my inner peace, and I am happily sharing it with other women, helping them find the path to self-care and self-love''

Exciting Techniques for Mental and Physical Health:

Get ready to experience the transformative power of techniques like Logotherapy and Morita Therapy. I will guide you through these methods to help you find meaning and acceptance in your life's challenges.

We will also practice some ancient Pranayama techniques - in this case - that will help you detoxify your body and mind and rejuvenate. The techniques are renowed to renew your skin and cells as well as balancing your mind.

See the FAQ for more or reach out to enricascarpacoach@gmail.com for any other questions.

Häufige Fragen

Why attend:

If you're a professional woman feeling the weight of stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction, this workshop offers a transformative opportunity to reconnect with yourself and cultivate inner peace. You'll learn techniques to calm your mind, foster self-love, and embrace a more beautiful experience of l

What exactly is breathwork?

Breathwork involves conscious control and manipulation of the breath to achieve specific outcomes such as relaxation, stress reduction, and increased mindfulness. It's a practice that focuses on the breath as a tool for self-awareness and healing.

I'm new to breathwork and mental training. Will I be able to keep up?

Absolutely! This workshop is designed for beginners to intermediate participants who are passionate about personal growth. Enrica will guide you through each technique step-by-step, ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and supported throughout the session.

What should I expect during the workshop?

You can expect a blend of breathwork techniques, mental exercises, and discussions aimed at fostering self-love, confidence, and resilience. Enrica will create a safe and nurturing space for exploration and growth, providing personalized guidance along the way.

How will I benefit from attending this workshop?

By the end of the session, You'll gain practical tools to quiet your inner critic, cultivate self-love, and navigate life's challenges with resilience. Plus, you'll receive a personalized worksheet to continue your journey of self-reflection and growth beyond the workshop.

What if I'm not sure if this workshop is right for me?

If you're feeling unsure or have any questions about the workshop, feel free to reach out to Enrica directly. She'll be happy to provide more information and address any concerns you may have. Insta @enricascarpa

Will there be any follow-up support after the workshop?

Enrica is committed to supporting you on your journey beyond the workshop. She may offer additional resources, recommendations, or opportunities for further learning and growth. Additionally, you'll have the chance to connect with other participants and build a supportive community.

What is included?

At the venue, you'll have everything you need to feel comfortable. Yoga mats are provided, and there's a restroom available for your convenience. Plus, we'll have fresh fruit waiting for you and a special surprise to make your experience even more enjoyable.

Veranstaltet von

€ 26