Circular Water 4 Healthcare - DEMO DAY

Circular Water 4 Healthcare - DEMO DAY

Innovative solutions for the treatment of wastewater

By Cariplo Factory

Date and time

Monday, May 6 · 2:30 - 6pm CEST


Village Pavilion

19 Viale Decumano 20157 Milano Italy

About this event

Circular Water 4 Healthcare is an open innovation project promoted by SYNLAB and Bracco, in partnership with IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi – Sant’Ambrogio (San Donato Group), within the framework of Federated Innovation @MIND, and implemented by the Circular Economy Lab - an initiative of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center and Cariplo Factory.

The project aims to define a scalable and replicable best practice for the recovery, in particular, of contrast liquids and the management of hospital wastewater, through the scouting of innovative startups and SMEs, with the aim of selecting technologies for the circular management of water resources in hospital and related facilities.

During the event, the selected startups or SMEs will pitch their innovative solutions and interact with a floor of experts.


14:30 | Welcome coffee and Registration

15:10 | Introduction

  • Federated Innovation @MIND
  • Circular Water 4 Healthcare Project

15:30 | Corporates' point of view and main challenges

  • Roundtable: Bracco, Synlab, IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi – Sant’Ambrogio

15:45 | Startup Pitches

17:15 | Networking Aperitif

18:00 | End of the Event

Organized by

Cariplo Factory è uno dei più importanti hub di innovazione in Italia ed è focalizzato principalmente su due trend trasformativi: digital transformation e circular economy. Cariplo Factory sviluppa e implementa programmi di open innovation, mettendo a disposizione formazione esperienziale, programmi di accompagnamento imprenditoriale, progetti di collaborazione tra talenti, startup e aziende, investimenti di Venture Capital e attività di supporto all’internazionalizzazione.

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