Clayground Ceramics Retreat

Clayground Ceramics Retreat

This unique retreat in Tuscan focuses on intuitive ceramics, empowering you to embrace your instincts and cultivate your personal aesthetic.

Di Anna Riess & Fira Rietveld

Data e ora

gio, 24 ott 2024 14:00 - dom, 27 ott 2024 14:00 CEST


Villa Giuncheto

strada delle stine, 1636 53014 Monteroni D'arbia Italy

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2:00 PM - 8:00 PM

DAY 1: Clayground Introduction

Anna Riess

Fira Rietveld

Ennio Polito

Get familiar with each other & the clay. We will teach you the basic techniques of hand coiling to get started. We will end the day with a Local Italian dinner cooked in Villa Giuncheto, where we wil...

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Anna Riess

Fira Rietveld

On Friday we will teach you about "FORM" - starting with basic shapes creation: not perfect: process oriented. We'll also show you the power of making a series. Additionally we'll talk about ornament...

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


On this day we will introduce you to color. Fira will teach you how to create Marbled clay - two colored clays meet to become a unique pattern. Anna will introduce you to Engobe: Painting on clay + D...

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Anna Riess

Fira Rietveld

On this day we will walk you through the glazing process. We will organize a final small exhibition of your made pieces with the group. Since your pieces won't be dry and fired yet we will glaze your...

Informazioni sull'evento

  • 3 giorni 1 ora

Clayground Ceramics Retreat
October 24-27 2024 | Tuscany, Italy

CLAY, PLAY & GROUNDING – Visit the stunning Sienese Hills for this ceramics retreat at the unique Villa Giuncheto. Clayground is a space of togetherness where one can come as they are and discover new sides of themselves, guided by their intuition and trusting their senses.

Centered around the themes of Rest and Play, our retreat offers a series of intimate workshops where you can explore various techniques guided by Anna & Fira. These workshops will be complemented by guided morning meditations, invigorating yoga sessions, soothing sound baths, nature walks in the forest with a local guide, and, of course the rich flavors of local Tuscan cuisine.

This unique retreat focuses on intuitive ceramics, empowering you to embrace your instincts and cultivate your personal aesthetic.

** This all-inclusive retreat covers everything, including workshops, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as lodging. **

Visit us @Clayground_retreat or for more information.


This retreat focuses on hand-building intuitive ceramics, empowering you to embrace your instincts and cultivate your personal aesthetics. Centered around the themes of Rest & Play, our retreat offers a series of intimate workshops where you can explore various techniques guided by Anna & Fira.

The retreat and ceramic workshops will be hosted by Anna Riess is an Vienna based artist & Fira Rietveld is an Amsterdam based Designer.


We are once again lucky to host at the beautiful Villa Guincheto. A 20 minute car ride from Siena, Tuscany. The Villa consists of 6 rooms with a Master Suite, and each room has its own peculiarity, its own soul and its own style. Each piece of furniture has been chosen over the years, researched and set to make the environment welcoming and refined.

There is a yoga studio on-site where we will be hosting the yoga class and soundbath.


We are very pleased to announce that Alexa Valentin will join us for the Clayground 2024 retreat. Alexa Valentin is a certified yoga teacher, Human Design guide, and sound practitioner with a passion for bringing more joy and connection into your life. Through her work, she wants to help you break free from the confines of your mind and foster a profound connection with your self – body, mind, and soul. Whether that’s through movement, sound or experimenting with your Human Design, Alexa believes that genuine transformation only occurs when all energetic bodies are in harmony.

A slow practice to start the day in a soft, grounding way. Through gentle breathwork, movement and meditation we hone in on the energy of autumn and connect deeper with nature’s rhythm. We’ll offer morning yoga sessions to start your day.

Sound Bath*
Experience the healing and grounding vibrations of sound. A sound bath invokes a deep state of relaxation and creates a feeling of centering for the body, mind and spirit. We’ll offer an evening Sound Bath experience to calm your senses.

Human Design*
Human Design is a tool for self-inquiry and development, a tool to understand yourself on a deeper layer. Expect to discover the fundamentals of the Human Design system and unlock insights into connecting more with your authentic energy, and those of others.

Forest Walk*
We’ll offer a morning meditiation in the form of an early morning forrest walk on the land of Villa Giuncheto. Guided by a local guide we’ll explore the olive-tree field, search for porcini mushrooms and spot local wildlife.

* Participation in classes and activities is optional throughout the retreat. All levels welcome!


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