Basic Nonviolent Comunication Course

Basic Nonviolent Comunication Course

Communication is part of everyone's life, no matter our role. May us be parents, employers, partners, or trainers, or simply humans "alone".

By Martina Pesce

Select date and time

Monday, June 10 · 8 - 11am PDT



About this event

About the Course

Communication is part of everyone's life, no matter our role. May you be parents, employers, partners, or trainers, or simply humans "alone" with yourself. Let's embody and build it together.

About approaching NVC

So, you heard already of this NVC thing somewhere, maybe you went to a workshop or two, or you saw some videos on YouTube and you feel inspired. And now you want to deepen this knowledge!We will together start a journey as a little community of going beyond right and wrong to get in contact with life and connection through communication. We will learn how to express what is alive in us in a way that truly represent us and that is possible to listen to for others.
Writing the following learning list, I feel a bit nervous. I am aware that a reaction like “that’s impossible!” can come naturally. I experienced learning NVC as a revolution that allowed these points to be implemented in my life and I hope and trust it may support you as well in something similar.

What you are gonna learn:
-What judgments are, how to not take them personal, and how to be touched by them
-How to express what's dear to you in a way that is easier to listen to (the "4 steps")
-To name and identify your feelings with more clarity
-How to connect to yourself and others through empathic listening
-How to enjoy hearing a no and complaints
-How to ask for your dreams
-How to see conflicts as possibilities rather than obstacles If you want to know more precise details, contact me to receive the program's pdf.

Learning style

My focus is on the embodied aspect of NVC, so classes are not going to look like a seminar. To practice and integrate NVC I propose a mix of 30% theory and 70% of interactive practices such as exercises, demonstration, role play, and real live situations emerging during the course. So, be ready to tackle your real life!

Who am I?

My mission is to contribute to a world where everyone can be heard and seen, by others and themselves.

Hi, I'm Martina. I came in contact with Nonviolent Communication (NVC) through a relationship where I started to grasp the beauty of this tool. After 3 years of self-study and occasional practice, I was touched by how this communication allowed me to connect with my mum in conflict, so strongly that I felt love for her for the first time in 20 years. Unsatisfied with the lack of mental health support in the neuroscience research field, I decided to switch careers and dive deep into NVC. I trained as a mediator, counsellor and trainer at the Connecting2life school (Yoram Mosenzon). It was a two-year-long process of embodying the tool and then learning how to transmit it so that it could sink in the body. For a year I've been holding my workshops, courses and 1:1 practice. My approach is based on practice and embodiment. I found NVC very revolutionary and with that respect, I like to let sink in our system a few bits of info at the time, rather than an overwhelming waterfall of theory. Why should you trust me? You should nothing, and you can check out some of my past reviews:


Desired amount of experience

No amount of experience is required to join this course.


The course will consist of 9 sessions of 3 hours each, once a week, starting on: Monday 15th April until 17th June with a one week break on the 3rd of June, for integration and rest.


Online, on Jitsi meet. You won't need to download anything.

Number of participants

The number of attending participants can go from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 20 If the minimum number of participants won't be reached, the beginning of the course will be postponed to the next week. If this doesn't suits you anymore, you'll receive a full refund.


The cost of the course is between 200 and 300 euros.The idea behind the sliding scale is that everyone has a different income and financial situation, and my intention is to leave you as much as possible the freedom to contribute out of your possibility and free will. Also, the payment take place in two steps:
1) A prepayment of 100 euros before the beginning of the course to reserve your spot
2) The completion of the payment one week before the end of the course, so that your payment can come from gratitude and not only from a sense of duty

About money

Money is my favorite strategy to care for my offering to be sustainable. It's very flexible and I can direct it exactly to what supports contributing to me depending on the moment, and it allows me to have a sense of mutuality in the contribution. At the same time, I want to be open to other possibilities, if this one prevents you from joining. Please contact me if that's the case.


At the end of every session you will receive a sum up of the main points touched during the session and a recording of the lesson (for viewing, not downloading) which will be available until 2 weeks after the end of the course.

Registration steps:
1) Read the terms and conditions (I know, I also never read them, but I would really love to be on the same page with you on this, to make sure we are both at choice)
2) Complete the 100 euros prepayment (Payment process information here) by sending money to Name: MARTINA PESCE IBAN: IT65 Z036 4601 6005 2631 6114 217 BIC: NTSBITM1XXX Please write NVC BASIC COURSE – YOUR NAME AND SURENAME in the message description
3) Send me an message letting me know you registered, so I can check that everything is in order.

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